
Neurosity Crown

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Neurosity Crown

The Neurosity Crown is a wearable device that is able to measure your brain activity in real time and process the data on it’s own internal computer. It has the processing power of a MacBook Air and is the latest product made by my friends at Neurosity. The device is targeted towards developers and coders as a method to better understand when they are focusing and when they are distracted, although there are medical research and many other potential use cases for the product.

I was initially hired by Neurosity through our company informal to make some tweaks to their existing design, which was made for Urethane Casting. We iterated on their existing CAD and I was able to shave off a significant amount of time for assembly and reduce their part count, while also improving on the comfort of their product.

The Crown was the first product from Neurosity designed from the start for mass manufacturing. I was responsible for the surface modeling and component breakups for manufacturing and worked closely with the Neurosity team on component placement, PCBA sizing, flexible PCB design and much more. The result is a product that is easier to assemble, cheaper to manufacture, and reduced part counts and assembly time compared to previous iterations. In addition to the product, I lead the packaging efforts with the Neurosity team to create packaging that aligns with the quality and minimalism of the brand.

Aside from the design efforts, I lead up a sourcing team through informal to identify a two stage manufacturing process to mold and assemble parts in China and ship to a trusted PCBA fabricator in Canada for final assembly. This approach reduces the overall cost, protects IP, and helps to reduce tariffs.

I am immensely proud of this project and the work we at informal have done with the Neurosity team.